Friday, April 29, 2016

Hill Design website

Hey, all! Well, here is my website. I decided to go with Carbonmade rather than Behance. Overall, I'm pretty pleased. Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Menu Refined

Here are the new adjustments to the menu. I have made the headings larger and the text in the Appetizers section is now flush left.

Portfolio Inserts and first page

I did a design for the first page of my portfolio, which I intend to use to introduce myself and my brand. This is intended to be 14x9. I also designed inserts, 2x9, to be placed on the side of the portfolio page closest to the spine. This will be used to provide a description of each project. The arrow shown will be pointing in the direction of the project, but aside from direction of the arrow the insert will have the exact same layout throughout.
I am open to any ideas anyone has for improvement.

First, the first page:

Now the insert:

CD cover mark 1

This was originally a personal project, done as a digital painting. To adapt it to my portfolio for Graphic Design, I decided to turn it into a CD cover. After getting advice from a few people, I decided the painting best fit the feel of a trance/electronic album. The made the title of the album and the track listings reflect this. I used a wispy typeface for the album title and used blending modes to make the text affected by the texture of the background so to incorporate the type into the painting.
I am open to any advice on design decisions, but I am no longer able to alter the background painting itself.

Dragonshop Mock-Up Mark1

This project was originally done for Advanced Digital Imaging, and as such was never turned into an actual website. This mockup is of a website that does PhotoShop tutorials for people who are learning digital painting. My target audience is young creative people, from young teens to young adults. As such, I used bright, trendy colors against a black background.
I made some changes from my original version. I redesigned the banner entirely. It used to have a difficult to read typeface against a useless bright shape. I changed it to a fantasy-inspired font to go with the name "DragonShop." I also created the logo for DragonShop, as shown on each side of the banner. I incorporated the blue from the logo into the subheadings, I brought up the opacity slightly of the background image, and updated the bottom information while adding a box to the back for visibility.
I am open to any feedback you all might have on this.

Reworks and some new projects

I know this is a lot to post at once but any feedback on any of these would be great its late in the year and i'm sure all of you are super busy so no worries either way. 

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Project 7 Signac's Point Menu

Here is my redesign for the Signac's Point menu, with a new layout for being printed on paper and folded, as opposed to the original paper-on-canvas design. Let me know what you think.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Service Learning Tshirt Design Edits

I had thought that possibly an issue in the design was that the front and the back were too similar.
I have chosen to look up how this camera equipment really looks when directing light.
The back now reflects what it looks like when attempting a vertical light beam.

The Front Tshirt Design 

The Back Tshirt Design

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Hill Design Business Card Rework

I have reworked the orientation of the business card. Let me know what you think.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Project 9 Movie Cover

Project 6

Project 10 Web banner

Originally was a Design Theory project, for a PSA Environmental Connections which we had to design a logo, magazine add and a web banner for. This is my web banner from that project, My PSA target audience was teens, and my approach was a combo between irony and humor. Pointing fun at the fact that our actions effect our environment and our health. Yet we continue to pollute our home.

Have any suggestions please comment, and happy Monday

Early Dawn Sky reference for Carl

This is for Carl, to explain what I'm talking about when I suggest he use a dawn sky with stars.