Thursday, April 7, 2016

Spieler Ad

This was originally done for a Marketing course here at the Mount. We had to make up a shoe company for a simulation, and create a logo and advertisement for it.
If an ad like this were run, it would likely be a magazine ad. Its targeted at teens and young adults, mainly males, which I express through the color and texture. The metallic aspects of the design are intended to represent toughness.
I am looking for any thoughts on adjusting this design.


  1. I feel like turning my head, I am not sure I like the placement of the leg and shoe.

  2. Ian – do you need this show to be at this angle? Maybe not quite going straight up? I turned my head too, although that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to adjust the photo. It does mean that you have to give us something more to read straight on – like more content in lower left, and a logo that is in higher contrast to the background. Photo background… is it just a random texture, or am I supposed to feel like we are outside running in leaves? Not sure what the message is here… where should this person be while wearing those shoes? What is the show about to step on? I find myself really trying to guess at that smooth surfaced form… is that what you want me to be spending my time doing? What is the message here? Why should I care about this shoe, which is coming soon… to where? Lots of questions to be answered white you refine this visual message.


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