Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Resume Rework

I did a slight rework to my resume: I changed some of the wording as requested, I changed the body copy from the Advent Pro family (which was too fancy) to Museo Slab, cleaner, easier to read slab serif. I changed the location of the social media links, as they were bothering me where they were, and added my contact information to the top. To fill the white space left where the social media links used to be, I changed the size of the skills boxes, the speech bubble, and raised the leading and the space after paragraphs in the left-most column.


  1. Looks nice, I have no suggestions.

  2. Ian – this looks much better, in my opinion. Much easier and inviting to read, while still retaining that light-hearted attitude. I have only 2 suggestions:

    1. Move the Skills box down to sit on last baseline across from body copy. You can enlarge the “speak bubble directional” if you feel you need to, but you might not need to.

    2. You do not need to stroke “Let’s Connect” with orange. I’m sure that the contrast is not needed for readability, and it’s a design approach that doesn’t appear anywhere else. So… it appears a bit “off” in the design.


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