Sunday, April 17, 2016

Project 6 version5


  1. Carl – Just a few more things, and this should be done.

    I’m wondering why the last item at the bottom is yellow? Making this contrast, the only typographic color on the page, makes us think this is something really important. Is it? I don’t think so. Maybe the best solution is to combine “Trophie for Best of Show” and “Grand Prize” along the bottom in white… not yellow. This would move that type above the motorcycle down to the bottom, and give the motorcycle more uncontested room to sit. Pay attention to grammar and spelling:

    Grand Prize Awarded for Best in Show!

    Lastly – it is the motorcycle image that will first grab our attention, so I would suggest you play that up a bit more. Consider enlarging it, and then coloring the background just a bit more vividly behind it. The colors in the sky are very subtle at the moment – but now might not be the time to be quite this subtle. Look at an early dawn sky along the horizon. What colors do you see? I’ll post a photo I just found … so you can see that the colors can be subtle, but still contain a bright streak along the land.

    Lastly, again – notice in this photo that as the sky lightens up towards the bottom, less and less stars can be seen. This is what you are trying to replicate in your artwork. Learn from nature!

  2. Carl - As I read what I just wrote (above), I want to be clear that I did not mean to enlarge the motorcycle much, just a bit, if at all. The small size works for your concept, so don't loose that.


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