Monday, April 11, 2016

This was the poster for typography, it was decided that I could use a little more color.
Following the idea with the martini glass, I used yellow and blue with green at the mixing point.
I thought I could use color for the text texture background because that is also used in the lower right corner.
With the addition of color the balance of color vs. black and white is quite balanced.
Let me know if you think the color use becomes excessive.
The Original
 The Portfolio Version


  1. I think I like it. At first glance I wasn't sure but I see where the colors came from so I am thinking it makes sense.

  2. Great work, the colors really go with it.

  3. Tom – I’m not convinced that the added color helps the design. I think it might confuse it, actually. Unfortunately I don’t believe most people will understand that reason for the blue and yellow text mixing together in the green “X”. It will be lost on your audience, I’m sure of it.

    Your original design celebrates the typography because it is black against white – very bold. And, the color pulls our eyes to the drinks…. Something that helps us be curious but also helps us understand what this is all about. If more color is needed – is there a place to add subtle color? In a place that won’t introduce multiple focal points? Maybe a tint of green in the boxes behind the pargraphs of type in lower left and upper right? Without introducing additional colors, you can use that green… it’s all you need.


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