Thursday, April 7, 2016

portrait Illustration

Hello, This is a portrait of my handsome son. I am very proud of my son and when I was giving this assignment to illustrate somebody, anybody, I chose my son who was only in high school at the time of this portrait now he attends Fitchburg State University.  I replaced the background with a rainbow with a quote "Try to be a rainbow in someones cloud" ~ Maya Angelou  
In Illustrator the portrait background is cropped however, does not show here in this jpg


  1. Krysta – the portrait still has flesh color issues! Please lighten the highlights, and then the shadows as well… the skin color/tone is so dark that the white of his eyes is actually a bit scary! The white is in too much contrast to the skin… so I would recommend really lightening the skin tone. He is your son, and you have very light skin, so I’m sure he does too.

    Rainbow and quote is a great addition to the project. This is a nice touchy-feely quote from Angelou… so I think you need to rethink the type styling to something much more friendlier… maybe the same font that you are using for Angelou’s byline? That would make much more sense, in terms of choosing an expressive font to help express this sentiment.

    Position of the type? Right now it is positioned on top of the rainbow, but not really part of it (the curve is fighting with the curve of the rainbow). Maybe it would be better placed over to the right, in that large amount of blue space next to the figure? No curve necessary there.

    Butterflies are not of your making? So, they don’t match your illustration style. Why don’t YOU draw the butterflies?

  2. Actually the butterflies are cut off in Illustrator therefore, no butterflies are shown in the final print. I tried different fonts as well as placement for the type; wasn't happy with my outcomes.


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