Saturday, April 2, 2016


Hi here is my logo; been  working diligently on this logo I hope I get thumbs up

1 comment:

  1. Krysta – this is a nice touch, with the winding flowers along the camera edge. Nice idea. I only question the arrangement of the words. Why is the second line smaller? Is it less important? I don’t think it should be. So – enlarge “& Photography” and be happy with this! I think it’s great. Next step is to make sure it is successful in 1 color and 2 colors. Have you thought about that? It’s easy enough to select all the elements and change them to greyscale in Illustrator (look it up if you aren’t sure… it really is a click of a button). But, it will take a bit more work to make this into a 2/color design.


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