Monday, April 4, 2016

This was a project for the second webdesign class, it is a two column page.
It was meant to be a sort of travel site with information about the areas with a working form at the end.
The NAV bar has brown text which highlights and then changes dark green when visited.

1 comment:

  1. Tom, you have some good images here to work with, and they look great. The typography needs some thinking. Some thoughts:

    Page composition – the line lengths of your body copy are too long. Remember, 6-9 words per line is what we know is most readable. So… maybe you need to introduce a 3rd column to this composition? I could see a small column on left for the navigation bar, then 2 equal columns that divide up the text area you currently are using.

    Type styling – have you looked for a font that expresses Indonesia? Do some research and see what you can find. It would be great to see something other than an Oldstyle (which are all from England) font. I’m not sure using centered type works all that well in the design - navigation bar appears quite crowded because type hits the edges, heading under photo does not fill that area enough. Well… maybe it isn’t the centered aspect, but rather the shape of the type does not work inside the other shape in which you have placed it. What are your other choices?

    Do I see a small, somewhat complicated icon in upper left? Is it too small to be successful? Should it be lots bigger so we can see the clever arrangement of the words (fitting together like a jigsaw puzzle)?

    Form: Is there another way to differentiate the form area from the background? What about a tinted background for the “card”, but no stroke? Not big awkward white spaces to type into… I think everyone knows, at this point, to simply start typing after the word prompts).

    Last page: needs to be designed to fit into the rest of the project.

    Nice color palette, and good content. This has great possibility I think.


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