Monday, April 4, 2016

This was a single page psa website which adapts for mobile, done for advanced web.
These are drawings that I had done used in the site, and it tells the story of the character.
In the second to last frame there is some tension because he is gone, and along with the
subject matter that could mean a number of things. In the last frame we find that he has
found help.  Let me know if you see anything worth changing.

1 comment:

  1. Tom – I love the drawing style here, but it seems that elements are bouncing around the format as I move through the pages. It is important that the text block at left hangs from the very same point on each page. It might be nice to see a larger contrast happen to the upper navigation bar when we are sitting on the page (maybe a subtle color?). Not all navigation items are live. Could the chain at the left move more intentionally, and cleverly, as we move through the pages. We don’t always know it is moving, and on the last page the chain doesn’t seem to end well. This might be another place to add a subtle spot of color… which would help the project, in my opinion. Lastly – the color and treatment of the hyperlink “MWCC’s Online Counseling Information” is a harsh blue underline… ugh, you can do better than that. Make it match this navigation hand lettering?


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