Sunday, April 24, 2016

CD cover mark 1

This was originally a personal project, done as a digital painting. To adapt it to my portfolio for Graphic Design, I decided to turn it into a CD cover. After getting advice from a few people, I decided the painting best fit the feel of a trance/electronic album. The made the title of the album and the track listings reflect this. I used a wispy typeface for the album title and used blending modes to make the text affected by the texture of the background so to incorporate the type into the painting.
I am open to any advice on design decisions, but I am no longer able to alter the background painting itself.


  1. Interesting idea for a re-purposing of artwork. I like the font choices; I think they work well together. I might try making the text a little lighter, though, at least in the track list. I get the feeling that when it prints, it will be darker and harder to read, so lightening it up ahead of time couldn't hurt. Also in the track list, I might try aligning the tabs on the numbers so that the "*" line up (the one after the 10 is sticking out further than the rest, throwing off the flow a bit). Can't wait for the finished piece to print!

  2. Ian – it would be nice to read the album tracks, much more contrast is needed here. I suspect if there was more contrast between the words and background you could actually reduce the size of the track list – improving the composition. Since you are numbering the tracks, you should not FR the names of the tracks. The numbers and names should be seen together. So FL the names across from the numbers.


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