Sunday, April 24, 2016

Dragonshop Mock-Up Mark1

This project was originally done for Advanced Digital Imaging, and as such was never turned into an actual website. This mockup is of a website that does PhotoShop tutorials for people who are learning digital painting. My target audience is young creative people, from young teens to young adults. As such, I used bright, trendy colors against a black background.
I made some changes from my original version. I redesigned the banner entirely. It used to have a difficult to read typeface against a useless bright shape. I changed it to a fantasy-inspired font to go with the name "DragonShop." I also created the logo for DragonShop, as shown on each side of the banner. I incorporated the blue from the logo into the subheadings, I brought up the opacity slightly of the background image, and updated the bottom information while adding a box to the back for visibility.
I am open to any feedback you all might have on this.


  1. Pretty cool. I definitely think this would appeal to younger designers, and I think the color choice works well (if it were just the neon green or purple by themselves, I don't think it would be as successful, but both together work great). A few small details I spotted; you may want to flip the "Ps" in the orb on the right back to reading"Ps". It being a Photoshop logo, there would maybe be some issues with marketing and branding and such. I don't know, just a thought. I'd also lose the underlines in the navigation, since with them, they look very much like default links (similar to the e-mail link on the bottom), which contrasts with the whole purple button style you attached to them.

  2. Ian – you have some color contrast issues. Using a black background is fine, but then all the colors you put on top of it need to be mid-value to light-value colors. So the heading, which I assume we should read first – mostly disappears into the background along the bottom edges. The blue is too dark, and even the purple navigation should maybe hold white type, not black. Underlining the type really “dates’ this design – why underline? Don’t you think we will know to click the nav bar? Logos at top corners… must both face right. PS backwards is just silly.

    Nice image in background.


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