Monday, April 25, 2016

Project 9 Movie Cover

1 comment:

  1. Carl – the type on the front is not correct grammar, please use this:

    He learned that the secret to boxing lies in the mind and the heart. Not in the gloves.

    I don’t understand why the title is FL and the subheading is centered. You know better than that – right? And, please look at the big typo on the back cover - Starring (not Staring… that means someone is looking hard at something). And that should be 1 line “Starring Matt Barrett & Liam Sullivan” dropped down away from the paragraph about the movie because this content is 2 very different things…. they should not sit so closely. In fact, this 1 line should be smaller, and italic… and centered. Showing us that you know the content is not the same.

    Last thought - would a nice dark grey (found in the rocks on the cover) work better for the background color?


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