Sunday, April 17, 2016

My Menu project5


  1. Carl – The panel across from the Burgers holds an image that is bleeding off the top, but nowhere else. No can do – you will need to either do a full bleed (which means the green container is not seen) OR fill that container with the image… as you have done on the back cover. Keep thinking about this panel, and because you are free to use a new image we haven’t seen. I will bring in the Magritte book again, and you can find a new image to put there.

    Cover – It seems like the top right baguette is interfering with “Magritte’s” – do you need it up there?

    Back Cover – is it the black panel with the eyeball, or the silhouette of the man? I’m confused. You need to have 8 panels, but I only see 7 designed panels. What’s up with that?

    Baguettes along the trim edges will be cut off – and not in a good way. You do not need them. Please delete the ones that are floating in the sky along your page edges.

    You have wrapped the Dessert type around the image… but there is not enough text wrap. The negative space around that image must equal the same amount of neg space in your margins. Do you not see the type crashing into the image? You must push the type to the right of the image over farther. Are you looking closely at all of this? You should be – these are production issues, and are details, but they are important.

  2. The silhouette of the man and about us panel are outer panel designs.


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