Thursday, March 31, 2016

Project 6: Inspiring Designers Poster Rework 1

Here is my "Inspiring Designers" poster design for my Design Theory class. We were to take the information given to us for the poster and come up with a design that would be eye-catching and stand out in a high school to attract new students to the GID program. I came up with a blueprint theme to play on the "Designing Leaders" bit in the headline. Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Project7 Illustration

I took Coni Porters advice, and decided to do an internal page illustration spread with the context article about Hunger in America that she sent to me. Any advice please comment

Cartoonnetwork poster pj4 redesigned

Cartoon Network Wedgies was a short lived program of theirs. So after looking at several of cartoon networks special blocks I picked this one. This block consisted of several short cartoons such as Nacho Bear, Calling Cat 22, Big Baby, The Bremen Experience, and The Talented Mr. Bixby. Those show cartoons I plan to recreate and put into this poster. Have any suggestions please comment

My resume v1

Thoughts, please comment

Photoshop Composite

This is a photoshop composite I put together for my last photoshop class suggestions would be great! 


This is my magazine project any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

This was a project created for design theory as a poster for the GID program at MWCC.
The original design was inspired by the action paintings art movement and despite the design
being pleasing it was not successful. Its mood had an "edgyness" which didn't really have
a reason for being there. It did not support the idea of the design nor reflect the audience.
Ultimately I strove to keep the same design while re-purposing it. The idea shows that
these things people can do on paper may be done digitally as well as proposing that
design is digital artwork.

Monday, March 28, 2016

This was a psa poster designed for Design Theory about College Drinking.
The data suggests that some of the people involved in drinking at college must not want to be there.
They realize they have a problem, but do not wish to become uninvolved. The psa's aim was to
suggest this issue, the idea of questioning what is really going on. The new psa is a complete redesign,
which hopes to better suggest the idea of questioning the situation and images.

Project 6

This project was originally a project I had in high school. Which is a Monty Tech Cruise in
Car Show poster. Have any suggestions please comment


This is my typography project if anyone has any ideas for improvement it would be greatly appreciated. 

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Tom Hill Resume Design

Hey, guys. Here is my first draft for my resume design. I tried to incorporate the simple shapes and the striped bars from the logo into the rest of the resume design. Let me know what you think.

Logo 2 color

Any suggestions please comment and happy easter.

Menu project 5 v2 reposted


This is my illustrator portrait of Patrice Bergeron any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Friday, March 25, 2016

Logo Design with Color

Here is my logo design with color added to it. Let me know what you think.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Project 5: Thoreau T-Shirt Design

For this project, our assignment was to create a t-shirt design centered around a quote by Henry David Thoreau. We were also encouraged to incorporate an environmental message into the design. The quote I chose to base my design on was as follows:

"The only danger in friendship is that it will end."

I chose to incorporate a message on the melting of the ice caps, and went for an emotional connection by employing some cute penguins being separated by the cracking ice flows. Let me know what you think.

Project 3 REPOST: Dover Demon

Resume Design, website, and more! -Ian Bright

I designed my resume and frankly I'm pretty psyched about it, so I may not be willing to change much in the overall design, however I am more than open to suggestions if anyone has them just in case I'm missing something. Also, the social media links actually link to social media pages I created. The social media pages aren't quite finished yet, but they exist. But wait, there's more!

I have the beginnings of my online portfolio! I looked at the various options and decided to go with Carbonmade. I'm paying for their unbranded version so I could get my own domain, which I bought. Feel free to visit and let me know what you think.

Illustration Portrait of my son

This is a portrait of my son I reworked his mouth, eyes, color and background as per advise from everyone, also I added a quote.

T-Shirt Design

This is my T-Shirt Design Tom had suggested that the quote itself is hurting the design he suggested I changed the background to the dark blue and made it look like a universe with the white as stars I will be posting an updated version just wanted to get a few other ideas if anyone has any let me know! 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Art Club Flyer - Mark I

This was originally a flyer specifically for a bake sale the club was having at the time. I reworked it to be a general flyer for the art club. I took out and changed some of the fonts, I had originally used too many. This is intended to be letter size.
I feel like something is missing though, and I can't quite figure out what, so I am more than happy to hear suggestions. Also, I don't know if this is still the current time and location for the Art Club but if they have moved and someone here is still in it, let me know. Doesn't hurt to be accurate.

The type has been integrated further into the design. To fit the type, a good deal of the design had to be adjusted; this is visible in the comparison. I created emphasis with color, and chose to reflect the journals of Thoreau with a handwriting styled font. Please let me know how you think this has turned out.

Type Poster Rework - Ian Cook

This project was originally for Typography. The assignment was to create a poster advertising a Type combination for a fictional company, "" We were to use a font created by our assigned research typographer and one that would combine well with it. Mine was William Caslon, so I used Caslon with Museo Sans and created this poster. It was intended to appeal to clients interested in and/or working with antiquity which I attempted to reflect in my color and texture use in addition to the obvious type choices. The background texture is intended to resemble parchment and is created entirely from type. The selling point of it is intended to indicate that Caslon and Museo Sans can be used with either being the headings and either being body copy, hence "One Way or Another."
I made some adjustments to the original leading and removed the justification of the paragraphs (which had previously made the letterspacing a touch wide). I also noticed a difficulty with readability against the textured background, so I added boxes behind the affected paragraphs with a slight transparency to let the texture through. This is intended to be 11x17.
Let me know if anyone has any suggestions for modifications to this design.

Project 3 selling a pair of fonts v5

Logo 2 color

Have any suggestions please comment

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Hello coni and class,

So I have put together my online portfolio using It was a easy tool to use to create a neat and organized portfolio. There isn't a lot to really design it the way you could creating a website for your portfolio on WordPress or so. I pay $6 a month so I can have a little more than the free version for example being able to have my logo and a favorcon. So if you guys could check it out and let me know what you guys think so far, it's not 100% done yet but it's getting there.

Thank you everyone!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Logo Design

I took everyones advice and created a logo with a hat and sunglasses! Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

I tossed in some grey in one of them let me know what you think!

This is the updated version of the portrait illustration. I have added lyrics from the musical group the subject of the illustration was from. I created hierarchy with size and color and gave emphasis with the different fonts. I chose to arrange the font in a way in which they fit together around their shapes and position rather than giving a block of text. I chose the fonts and their arrangement to reflect the intensity of the image and the music. Please let me know it is successful or it needs to be adjusted.

Tom Hill Logo Design-Grey

Here is my logo design with grey added to the mix. I'm wondering whether to include the grey nose, or to just leave it black. Let me know what you think.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Menu project 5 v2

I added ellipsis between the menu item and there prices. Have any Suggestions, please comment

Logo redone v2

2-color Logo, mark I

I made some adjustments to the original black and white logo and went on to create a 2-color version. I went with blue for a second color because it is both the color of my eyes and oft used in logos having to do with technology/progress.
Feel free to let me know of any improvements I could make to the design.

Saturday, March 19, 2016


Here is my magazine spread yet again. I lowered the opacity in the white text boxes I still have legibility and the design looks better. Thank you Coni good advise I hope I can put this magazine to rest.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Hi Everyone,
 I hope you all had a restful and productive week off. Here is my Logo, keep in mind, I am trying to get a hand drawn look for the camera. It took me many different tries before I was able to get a look I was looking for. I know I can use some help with Illustrator to make my lines perfect. It has been awhile since I have produced any designs in Illustrator so I may need help. The font was downloaded and I love it, I hope you do too.