Monday, March 21, 2016

This is the updated version of the portrait illustration. I have added lyrics from the musical group the subject of the illustration was from. I created hierarchy with size and color and gave emphasis with the different fonts. I chose to arrange the font in a way in which they fit together around their shapes and position rather than giving a block of text. I chose the fonts and their arrangement to reflect the intensity of the image and the music. Please let me know it is successful or it needs to be adjusted.


  1. Tom I love it one thing I would suggest though is possibly bringing up some of the brightness in the darker grays some of them seem to be getting lost in the dark background. Other than that I think it is very successful!

  2. I really like your type choice, the degraded display font really helps bring across the feel of the piece and gives it that loud feel without needing color, bravo.
    My only recommendation would be to watch your margins, the type gets a bit close. Unless your intention is to add tension to the piece, in which case leave it.


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