Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Type Poster Rework - Ian Cook

This project was originally for Typography. The assignment was to create a poster advertising a Type combination for a fictional company, "" We were to use a font created by our assigned research typographer and one that would combine well with it. Mine was William Caslon, so I used Caslon with Museo Sans and created this poster. It was intended to appeal to clients interested in and/or working with antiquity which I attempted to reflect in my color and texture use in addition to the obvious type choices. The background texture is intended to resemble parchment and is created entirely from type. The selling point of it is intended to indicate that Caslon and Museo Sans can be used with either being the headings and either being body copy, hence "One Way or Another."
I made some adjustments to the original leading and removed the justification of the paragraphs (which had previously made the letterspacing a touch wide). I also noticed a difficulty with readability against the textured background, so I added boxes behind the affected paragraphs with a slight transparency to let the texture through. This is intended to be 11x17.
Let me know if anyone has any suggestions for modifications to this design.

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