Originally was a Publication Design 202 project. We had to choose an artistic movement and artist. I choose the artistic movement of Surrealism “expression of imagination revealed in dreams, free of our conscious control of reasoning, and free of convention”. Artist I choose was Rene Magritte, famous surrealism artist and one of my favorites painting of his is The Son of Man 1946.Then our menu is based off of their artwork, for example such as painting names for menu items.
Have any suggestions please do not hesitate to comment
I really like your font and color choices here. What I would say is that some of the images appear plastered on. Is there a way you can cut out some of the content in the images? Like Duvel bottle and glass with the green background. It sort of throws me, but if you cut out the green background so it appeared that just the bottle and glass were down there, I think that would help.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Ian's assessment of the glass and bottle image. If you remove them from their green background, or find some way to adjust the edges and make it look less like the image was simply placed in the corner (i.e. how you added the frames to the other paintings), it might look better, especially because it would help further the repetition of that particular frame element throughout the piece, which you seem intent on.
ReplyDeleteI think Ian has a point perhaps the images need more feather around the edges to blend better for example the hamburger man and the floating hamburgers look Photoshop-ed in.
ReplyDeleteI agree that the Duvel glass could use a stroke, looking like a continuation of the original frame. I like what you have done here with that in general, It feels surreal-it breaks out of the frame and overlaps the other one. Using this elsewhere will unify the piece, but I think only doing it for some of the images will further the surreal feeling. I like how it gets you to pay attention- I had to really look to see if that green behind the Duvel was indeed the same green. This kind of exchange reminds me of a collage.