Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Project7 Illustration

I took Coni Porters advice, and decided to do an internal page illustration spread with the context article about Hunger in America that she sent to me. Any advice please comment


  1. Carl – Some thoughts:

    Artwork – this poor child’s face looks like it’s been painted with mud. The shadows are WAY too dark – they should only be slightly darker than the highlights. Look at someone’s face… the flesh values are not very different. That’s what makes flesh look like flesh – soft shadows that are very subtle.

    Page layout – please introduce a 2 or 3 column grid on these pages, so the type doesn’t just run straight across from left to right. Remember, and this is important, “the human eye can only read 6-9 words on a line comfortably”. This is something you should always remember. And, using a grid to help break up the columns is exactly what it is for.

    Heading – so, are you ignoring this? It’s time to be a typographer – choose fonts that express the emotion of the article (it is NOT a happy article). Find a font that helps you interprete the content. And – choose a contemporary font for the body copy – this looks like Times, or Minion, or something we’ve seen a million times. Please use a sans serif, so it looks modern.

    If you want this in your portfolio, you will actually have to design the pages!

  2. Hi Carl, The illustration looks good just some touching up such as the obvious; tone the colors down, the black streak coming down across from his face I am assuming that is part of his hair that also needs refinement because at first it looks like he has a cracked face. I hope my suggestion helps.


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