Tuesday, March 29, 2016

This was a project created for design theory as a poster for the GID program at MWCC.
The original design was inspired by the action paintings art movement and despite the design
being pleasing it was not successful. Its mood had an "edgyness" which didn't really have
a reason for being there. It did not support the idea of the design nor reflect the audience.
Ultimately I strove to keep the same design while re-purposing it. The idea shows that
these things people can do on paper may be done digitally as well as proposing that
design is digital artwork.

1 comment:

  1. Tom – this heading is confusing to me - Too many different fonts in too many different containers. Do you need the heavy, separating containers? Please say the title out loud, and you’ll know where you can make a contrast… currently you are presenting the title in a way that we read wrongly… it doesn’t make sense. How can you combine those 2 fonts in a way that does? You have worked really hard to separate and pull apart the title… and you have succeeded. Unfortunately. Please rethink this concept.

    The swooping paint strokes in the background are very interesting, but could use some refinement – even if these are supposed to look messy. Sometimes making “messy” is the hardest thing to do and still make it look intentionally “designy”. I just found something that is quite different than what you have done, but is by a contemporary artist “Rough”. I'll post it on the blog, and call your attention to it. This is where I found it, and you might be interested in some of the other artwork on the page:



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