Friday, March 4, 2016

Photo Montage project4

Photo Montage originally a Digital Imaging gid 104 SE project, where we had to create a Time line montage of any topic of our choosing. I choose to do cartoon network.

I have decided to create a Cartoon network themed poster based off of this project. Any comments for suggestions don’t hesitate to comment


  1. Carl – the background black/white checkerboard seems to be getting in the way of seeing any particular characters in the very middle of the design. I think, instead of using a feathered edge on so many elements… you need to work with sharper edges, and make some decisions about what parts of the characters should show, and which should be masked out. Sometimes, an overly “soft” edge just appears as if the designer doesn’t want to make that decision. Be bold… make more definite decisions. I think a poster based on this would be great. Is there any other text content that should/could be added? Website for the network?

  2. I agree with Coni on the feathering/opacity vs. the checkerboard. I might also look into making the dates in the very front stand out more, since I can't make out exactly what they say (2011-20??). I'll be interested to see what you turn this into.

  3. I agree with what has been stated, it will be interesting to see where this poster goes. I've noticed some negative space around the character from "Over the Garden Wall" while the rest of the image is fairly crowded. I think they could use some spacing apart, maybe creating a little flow.


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