Friday, March 4, 2016

A Certain Slant - More Covers

I made two additional covers to present to my client for service learning. The first one I'll post here for comparison, even though it is also posted below for feedback. She said she was interested in possibly using Kyle Johnson's art. I spoke to Kyle and got high-rez images of his work, and went on to make two covers: one with both covers displaying his art, and one displaying one of his and one of the other images I was given (I wasn't told the name of the other artist).
I plan on presenting all three covers to her so I would like thoughts on not only which is strongest, but also on how to improve all three.

The first one, which I had posted earlier this week:

The second one:

The third one:


  1. The second cover I feel is the strongest, it’s so unique. I like all the covers they look very well done. For all 3 covers try going vertical with the cover title.

  2. Ian – this keeps getting better and better. If I were choosing one, I’d choose the last one. The artwork and colors are more exciting then the middle selections, especially the back cover!! The high contrast between the colors, and the type treatment (which is an improvement over the original and I no longer am questioning competing angles) makes for an eye-popping design. However – as Carl has voted for Number 2, I’d have to say that I enjoy the artwork and the way you’ve placed the type “into” the artwork. You are giving her some good choices.

  3. I think I like the last one best as well; I like the sort of compromise between the first and second covers, and how well the pieces complement each other and fit together color-wise. The only thing I could recommend is maybe enlarging the margins in the black boxes around the text, spacing the text out from the edges a bit and giving them some breathing room. Otherwise, I'd say this is a pretty top-notch piece. Can't wait to see the finished book!

  4. The second image is my favorite. I feel that the front and back are quite unified, even the color that you have chosen for the background in the back matches the cover's color. Thus, for the original picture, that orange color should match a color from the front picture and its back picture should reflect the cover's style. Ultimately I am saying that the original picture could be just as successful as the second picture, if unifying measures are taken. While I love the second pictures unification, color, texture and so on. I feel that the original image says "literary magazine" very well and it is quite neat seeing a mix of a 1920's with Gothic styling.


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