Saturday, March 5, 2016

Project 2: Chisel & Saw Magazine Rework 2

Here are the changes that I made to the magazine cover, contents, and main spread. I took out the yellow and used a more off-white from elsewhere in the imagery; I made the title bigger and used small caps; I also changed the font for the title in the main spread. Let me know what you think.


  1. Tom H,

    The white was working for me, until I saw the contents page. I am feeling like there is not enough contrast with the new color and the background. What about using something from "a personal journey"? The graph paper could be a neat element to use elsewhere, or maybe a color from the graph paper could be the new type color? Then again, I know yellow was changed because it wasn't from the photos, maybe there is a color you can pull from there?

  2. Tom – the color palette makes much more sense now, nice. I, however, will continue to question the masthead title styling… currently the word “Saw” is over-emphasized as it sits in contrast to Chisel. I wonder if you need that font change? I don’t think so… why not use the same lovely serif font for both words, separated by a large ampersand… and then use that bold font for the subtitle… because it is quite weak as it sits now. Lastly, on the cover, you need to consider another way to style the text at the very bottom of the page. I realize you are attempting to create more contrast between the type and the background by stroking the edges of this small text… but that almost never works with thype this size. And it isn’t working here. What else can you do, to increase contrast in this area and help it be readable?

    Contents: Since this is not part of a spread design, I suggest you center the heading, horizontally as well as vertically, in that wood background. Also – NO STROKING SMALL TYPE FOR CONTRAST. Do you think I said that loud enough? You have so many options here, please do not ever, ever, ever, decide to stroke text that is subhead sized or smaller. It just makes it hard to read – not easier to read. Oh – I notice the running footer contains a small masthead logo… so it needs to match what ever you do on the cover (and it might, if you go back to this font for the whole thing.) Also – when you mix fonts on the same line, try to adjust their sizes so that they share an x-height line… these 3 elements currently do not sit well with each other on the same baseline because of that.

    Spread: Strange capitalization in the “Written by” blurb, and some other issues as well. Please print and ask me to proof this in class tomorrow. Photo credits are usually 6pt type, and run up along the edges of the photos… they don’t need to be any more readable then that. Lists – you have a list on the right hand page. I’m not sure why you want me to read the list before I read the paragraph above it… but the size change is suggesting that. Please find a good body copy size, and use it for all the text, and consider just indenting the list – so we know it’s a list.


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