Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Project 3 selling a pair of fonts v3

Thoughts and if any changes, I should make do not hesitate to comment.

1 comment:

  1. Carl – I’m not convinced you have found the proper place for the portrait yet. It’s bigger – good. But… now that I can see it, I’m seeing a squared off edge for his right shoulder (his right, not your right)… so wouldn’t it make sense to bleed that off a page edge instead of ignore it? Try to move the portrait to the bottom left edge of the page, it will mean the text sections will need to move to accommodate it, but it is the only place that makes sense for it – in my opinion. And… as you rethink the page balance, you could easily end up with a stronger design.

    Would you consider reducing the bright prink headings “Verdana” and “Georgia”? I’m hoping to gain you some negative space that you can add under the top heading… you still need more space between it and the rest of the page.


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