Thursday, March 24, 2016

Project 5: Thoreau T-Shirt Design

For this project, our assignment was to create a t-shirt design centered around a quote by Henry David Thoreau. We were also encouraged to incorporate an environmental message into the design. The quote I chose to base my design on was as follows:

"The only danger in friendship is that it will end."

I chose to incorporate a message on the melting of the ice caps, and went for an emotional connection by employing some cute penguins being separated by the cracking ice flows. Let me know what you think.


  1. Cute, I actually thought at first Danger read Dancer I had to re-read it before I was able to understand what I was reading. I think I would change the font

  2. Tom – I agree with Krysta that the font could be more readable, and it really doesn’t sit well on a curved baseline. So, please rethink the fonts used here. I have to question why the last part of the headline is so small and treated so differently. Why aren’t all parts of the headline curvy? If you could find a way to curve, and even distort, the headline a bit (making it really fun and cute… like the illustration) that would make more sense. THEN, as you push that “cute” exaggeration even further… we might see the irony that you are suggesting (you ARE suggesting that as the polar caps melt it will effect the living creatures that depend on the ice… right?). Hmmm… I’m not really sure you were thinking of that. But, you COULD think of it – you are already close to that concept as it is.


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