Saturday, March 5, 2016

Project 1 Magazine spread sheet redone

Anything to add please don't hesitate to comment


  1. I like what you've got going on with the photos, especially the overlap of the smaller snow image on the main one. However, I recommend looking into the spacing of the text; the two groups of text on the left side don't really line up, and the box of text on the right is jammed up close to the bottom of the photo above it. Once you get those areas fixed, I think it will be pretty well on it's way to being finished.

  2. I second the spacing around the photographs, the bottom right almost feels like it's overlapping the text. It is coming along nice, I wonder if the overall design will need some tweaking once this is done to match. We might want to see this in context with the rest of the pages when the spread is finished.

  3. Carl – this is getting there! You are making some elements line up with other elements… good. Question: Are the 2 paragraphs that sit on top of each other in the same text frame? The bottom one looks like it isn’t as wide as the top paragraph (the line length looks shorter… so it “ends” on the right too soon… or it would align with the top paragraph, right?

    I’ve mentioned this a few times – and I see that the Toms have also mentioned it here… the bottom right photo is crashing into the text below it. So… pull up the bottom of the photo, so negative space will separate it from the text.

    After you have attended to those things – here are 2 more things to consider: Because of the negative space directly above the “A” in “A JOURNEY…”… why not consider really making that A huge… helping to fill that space and reinforce the visual hierarchy of the page; and you need to add a page folio to the bottom right of the page… it would make sense here even better than on the left hand page.

    If you make these changes, I think you will be done with this project!


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