Monday, March 28, 2016

This was a psa poster designed for Design Theory about College Drinking.
The data suggests that some of the people involved in drinking at college must not want to be there.
They realize they have a problem, but do not wish to become uninvolved. The psa's aim was to
suggest this issue, the idea of questioning what is really going on. The new psa is a complete redesign,
which hopes to better suggest the idea of questioning the situation and images.

1 comment:

  1. Tom – the message here is not at all clear. Currently, this is what I see:

    1. An invitation to be carefree and drink – the focal point at the top of the page seems to suggest this especially when my eyes are drawn down to the large bottle and drinking glass. The visuals reinforce my misunderstanding of the message.
    2. I skip over the big building with columns and dry grass because I don’t know what it is. Same with 3 college students who appear to be in strange glass containers – as if they are protected and isolated from the scary building.
    3. I read the subtitle – and again it seems to reinforce the invitation to party. As if someone is asking me “Are you free to party?” I don’t read it all, because it is too long and complicated.
    4. Body copy is hard to read, squished into the area with no negative space to make it inviting to read.
    All in all – I’m not sure this is the best direction to move with this project. You need to simplify your message. What is it? First step – understand that your message should be clear and to the point. Second step – use ONLY those visuals that clearly support that message. The fewer, more direct, images used usually - the more successful it will be. I suggest you return to your original, more direct design… and realize that your heading, and body copy are really strong. You just need to work on the visuals. For instance – what is the paper bag doing there? Maybe you don’t need it. Maybe you need to add more bottles, and make the people inside of them more clear… because doing that would allow the image to connect clearly with the heading…. Maybe the people inside of the bottles should not look like lovely, studious college students… maybe they should look like party goers?


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