Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Digial Illustration project 7

Digital Illustration GID 115 E project where we had to do a illustration of someone we admire. My illustration being of my younger cousin Vicky, who always manages to get backup from hard times. 
Any advice on what I should do with this illustration, is highly appreciated


  1. I like your illustration of Vicky herself, I wouldn't change that. But I would recommend changing the background to something more subtle, as you probably want her to stand out and the background's loudness takes away from that.

  2. Carl – I am wondering if you have colored your shapes in a slightly wrong way? The darker tone on the face seems to sit where I would expect the highlights to sit. Please exchange values in the face – so that the darker flesh tone sit around the eyes and edges of the face… and the lighter tone sits on the cheeks and chin. I think that change will produce what we think of as “shadows” as the form turns away from the light.

    The level of detail in your shapes makes me think that you should use this illustration smaller, in a page layout with text content – like a webpage or magazine page. I have some content from an article about Hunger in America, which talks about young families. This illustration might work with that content (email me and I’ll send it to you)… or find your own content.

    So, rather than using this poster-sized in your portfolio, consider how this could be used as a “spot” illustration – possibly a ¼ page illustration within a page layout.

  3. Carl,
    I don't know what the source image looks like, but the illustration appears to be mostly comprised of a mid tone. The illustration would really benefit from some shadows and highlights, but I don't know if your image has that. You can always take the posterized image and change the levels or brightness and contrast and save as and place it in the ai file to pull out more definition that you can reference.


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