Sunday, March 27, 2016

Menu project 5 v2 reposted



  1. Your menu is coming along great, if your not done I am sure you are close.

  2. Carl – this is a fun project! Some thoughts:

    Cover: the top word cannot be seen enough, it needs more contrast to the background. I think black might be best.

    Inside: Please use black for all the prices, and align them with the “tab on decimal” so the periods in the prices line up vertically – it is the correct way to design pricing. Google this if you need to: InDesign tabs on decimal.

    I think you should use a large image in the background of the right hand panel across from “Burgers” – then float a few small burger images on top of it. Currently you have too many images leaving awkward negative space, and they invade the “Burgers” panel in awkward and aggressive ways. Not needed. Keep the images just on that right hand panel.

    About Us: Please ask me to copy edit this for you, it needs to be rewritten a bit.


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