Thursday, March 3, 2016


Here are my three logo choices, have any thoughts don't hesitate to comment


  1. I really like that bottom one with the screen. It matches your style, shows what you'd like to do, and displays your name in a clever way. My only suggestion is that you might want to put the text "Carl the Fourth" somewhere other than that and larger, as it will be difficult to read at smaller sizes.

  2. Carl – I agree with Ian, the bottom one has an humorous approach that makes us want to figure it out. And I also agree that the name “Carl the Fourth” can’t sit inside that keyboard. BUT – I think you need the keyboard to help us understand the rectangle above it is a monitor. So… think about how to draw a keyboard in your cartoon style and let it be part of this illustration. Then, look for the opportunity to place Carl the Fourth near the icon. If you finalize this line work, print it out at a large size, and a small size, and bring it in… we can all help you consider how/where to place your name and contact information in relation to this illustration. I’ll also take a look at the boldness of your line strokes… it will be important that the lines be bold enough to serve as a logo.

  3. Carl,
    Your solution to clarifying that it is a C in the bottom logo has really worked. It's very understandable, visually. What about putting "Carl the fourth" with the IV on the screen, underneath the line or maybe replacing a line? Where to put this certainly is a challenge...


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