Monday, March 14, 2016

ABG Poster rework - Mark I

This project was originally done as a service learning project for the Marketing class. In this service learning I worked with the MWCC business honor society, Alpha Beta Gamma and their head Professor Linda Bolduc. My original was portrait and was poorly designed when it came to typography, visual hierarchy, and use of positive and negative space due to my then lack of knowledge regarding those concepts.
The rework has been changed to landscape for better distribution of elements, uses the Arial family of typefaces as that is what appears to be in their logo, and uses color pulled from the logo as well. The image is pulled from their website, and their logo was given to me by them, not designed by me (so I cannot change the logo really). I will probably send this to Professor Bolduc when it is finished in case they decide they like it and want to use it.
I am open to any and all feedback regarding this design. I would also like to ask whether it would be a good idea to add a drop cap to the first paragraph?


  1. I enjoy the simplicity of it, I understand when working something for a client theyou have branding guidelines and sometimes can't be to free about designer their work but the way you put this together is really good. All typography is readable and legible, the higharchy is easy to detect by goino from there logo to the heading then down to the body text and so on.very professional and elegant feel to it.

  2. I'd actually be interested to see what the poster looks like with that drop cap in the first paragraph. Otherwise I think you've made a marked improvement over the original design, as well as found a good way to carry the geometric structure of the logo into the rest of the design. One other thing I might try is adding some thin stroke or frame to the image, to separate it a bit from the background (newspapers do this to prevent confused bleeding or jarring from directly viewing a photo dropped into the layout). Just an idea to think about. I really like the color scheme as well (I know it wasn't you choice, seeing as the logo uses these colors, but I think you balanced it out really well, letting the bright blue do the heavy lifting in terms of getting attention, and using the red and gold as accents).

  3. To me this this project looks very professional.


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