Sunday, March 6, 2016


This a Illustration of my son Derick, I am not a strong Illustrator I need lots more practice. I would like constructive criticism; please be gentle. I know his eyes need to be redone, that is very difficult for me. Anymore ideas?


  1. Krysta – I think your first step here is to reconsider the colors you are using – the flesh is too dark. Skin is interesting, in that its shadows are barely darker than the mid-tone flesh. Not much change between highlights, mid-tones, and shadows because the form really doesn’t turn that deeply away from the light source. So – identify the highlights/mids/shadows and lighten them all… in some cases lighten the shadows a lot (like on the arms).

    What will you use this illustration for? I would suggest you create a page layout I which this would serve as a small spot illustration (maybe ¼ page). You know – he looks very sad – serious – but also sad. So, what type of article might his portrait be used for – maybe some type of high school issue? Students struggle in so many ways – that’s what his portrait could work with.

    Also – I’m wondering why the brilliant blue background? It is overwhelming the other colors you have chosen for him. After you choose the content for the page layout, maybe choosing a color based on that would make sense. A neutral color would help his form stand out. Even black would work better than the blue I think.

  2. I think the background should be more a calmer color and nothing vivid. Really look at the highlights, shadows, and the different shades there are and you will get more of a detail in him. You definitely not to far away from being done.


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