Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Three inspiring online portfolios

Below I list three online design portfolios that I felt were very inspiring, followed by a brief description of why I included them.

Justin Maller Portfolio
I really like his work. His use of shape and color to do complex illustrations is very inspiring. His creativity is astounding. The online portfolio was pleasant to look through due to the ease of use of the website.

A Dandy Punk
This designer's unique style and focus on nonconformity is very appealing to me probably because I'm in the age-range of his intended audience. The contrast between dark and bright colors dominates his work and gives him a beautiful niche.

Oli Lisher
This designer's website is clean, clear, easy to navigate, and easy to look through. His designs are fresh and modern with an emphasis on simple shapes and color schemes.


  1. Ian - I particularly like Oli Lisher's introductory comments about the work and I liked his colorful icon designs - clearly he specializes in info-graphic web/mobil design. Did you see the live animation about 1/2 down the page? Did you notice that the portfolio page moves vertically down the page… way down the page? This is a great example of contemporary web design.

  2. Justin Maller
    Very interesting work...
    I like how he has broken color and value down to basic geometric-like shapes for his illustrations. His textural illustrations are also quite impressive.

    A Dandy Punk
    I had run into this artist as well. His control of line, shape, and texture are really quite something. The sculpture he'd done on the bus shows he can sculpt just as well has he can draw. He seems able to utilize both complex and simple designs. I enjoy the quality of his drawing, but the occasional simple visuals are quite striking.

    Oli Lisher
    His info-graphics are well designed. His use of color is pleasant and what he conveys in his pieces is very easily understood.

  3. I think it is fairly interesting how the three portfolios compare in terms of work complexity. Lisher's portfolio is very stripped down and simplified, almost child-like. The Dandy Punk portfolio involves very detailed and complex sculptures, illustrations, and photo montages. The Justin Maller portfolio seems to be somewhere in the middle; complex arrangements of simple shapes to create cohesive, easily identifiable figures in a unified style.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. HI, Justin Maller Portfolio defiantly has illustrator skills I wish I had. I did not see any another skills. Love the hues.
    A Dandy Punk at first as the page downloaded I thought "interesting" as I entered I was not sure were to navigate once I was in I did not see what I expected with the interesting beginning page.
    Oli Lisher, little confusing for me :-)


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