Saturday, February 27, 2016

Project 3: Dover Demon Rework 1

The purpose of this project was to take a story and use a collection of images to create a digital imaging composition representing said story. I chose the story of the first sighting of one of my favorite cryptid monsters, the Dover Demon, which was spotted in Dover, MA by some teens driving down a dark country road.


  1. Tom with glasses – this is interesting. My eyes are clearly trying to figure out the foreground body in the headlights… just as you intent. But then… there is the sky area – an overly large shape that contains almost no detail. I think you have a choice. You can find a more detailed night-time sky that will give this an “epic” feel… or you can add some type to the project that would sit in columns at the top of the piece. Your choice… but something needs to happen up in that large area or you’ll be missing an opportunity to add content to the message – giving us more to consider and explore.

  2. Yeah I agree I would suggest putting more detail into the sky.


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