Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Project 1 Rework - Redacted Magazine

This project was originally an assignment for Publication Design. The assignment was to create a magazine cover, contents page, and feature spread, subject matter of choice.

The target audience for this magazine is intended to be fans of an internet-made fictional organization called the SCP Foundation. The Foundation's job is to contain anomalous objects and beings, study them, and protect humanity from the dangerous ones. SCP is also a community writing project, with new anomalies being added to their Wiki often by their fans. The title, "Redacted" was chosen due to its frequent use in SCP related writings. The title font, Bauhaus Std., was chosen because it is the same used in their official logo. I used Agency FB as a secondary font due to its scientific/secret-agency feel. The artwork used in the cover and contents was done by an artist known as Sunny Clockwork, links to his original work are below. The drawing of Dr. Bright on the contents spread I was unable to find out who the original artist was.

When I finished the project for class, I was happy with it, but upon further review and evaluations from my peers, I saw several changes that needed to be made. The majority of the reworking I did was on the contents page. Before, I had a photograph of paper in the background. Unfortunately it appeared grainy and inconsistent with the rest of the theme, which is much more simplistic. I redid the paper background in illustrator, brought out the reds a touch in the Dr. Bright drawing, and did a bit of re-positioning and re-sizing.

I would like thoughts on ways to further improve this project in any capacity.



  1. I forgot to add the links in the post to Sunny Clockwork's original work:

  2. Ian Cook, I like the improvements you made. Especially adding the vertical Dr.Bright on your feature spread.

  3. Hi Ian
    I think the improvements are great. The contents page looks a little off to me. I am wondering if the text could go with the curve. I am not really sure but something looks uneven to me maybe the head of your character could tilt a little more to the upper right to kinda flow with the text. The rest looks perfect to me great work.

  4. Ian – this is a bold, bright, and imaginative subject that you have reflected in your design choices. Good! The cover and the spread look complete to me. The Table of Contents, does appear a bit more complicated than it needs to be. The left column, angled in a provocative way, holds that small amount of type (the Miscellaneous section) just right. But, the column on the right holds so much text that it appears to be cramped and confusing. I wonder if you need that much type, and if it needs to be angled at all? I don’t think so. Why not allow that to sit, as it might, in a straightforward column. Cutting type will be necessary I think. Allow this column to be the normal approach while the curved column to be in contrast with it. I guess I am saying there is too much contrast, too many angles, and really too much type in this area. See what you can to simplify, and not overcrowd the design.

  5. Ian,

    I think the changes you've made have really brought it together. Now that I think of it, changing the images from a photo to an illustration fits better with your creative palette for this project. I don't know why I hadn't realized this before, but with the imagery 90% being illustrations the page probably should have been as well. Editing the reds have made the character fit with the overall design images and illustrations, despite difference in style. It also seems that the sizing changes have worked toward the benefit of the design as well. The changes you have made cemented the cohesiveness of this work, which was the aim for this project.


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