Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Black and White Logo - Ian Bright

This is my initial design for my black and white logo. I use symbolism in it such as the eye and the light bulb to both play off my name and imply idea and vision. I use the open book at the bottom to signify my interest in publication design. I didn't want my entire logo to reflect that though, as I am more than open to working on other types of design jobs, which is why I wanted to stress the first two things. I chose a very expressive typeface, took it into illustrator and removed some of the extraneous parts of it that would render the type unreadable at smaller sizes. I am displaying it at three different sizes here.
I'm looking for any and all feedback in improving this design. 


  1. As usual clever idea, I like the font and the design.

  2. Ian – you’ve combined icons that, together, form the idea that you are interested in book making and consider yourself a “thinking” designer. Both are true. I have 2 thoughts:

    1. Where these 2 icons come together (bottom on light bulb) they trap some negative space. It is not a big deal, but I wonder if the light bulb could look like it “fits” together with the book more clearly rather than simply sitting above it. I don’t mean that they could actually touch, but maybe the shapes of each, together, could echo a similar curve?
    2. I question the use of all caps for this fancy display font. I agree with the all caps… but this overly fancy, decidedly “drippy” art nouveau font seems over the top a bit. Either consider replacing it with something more current, or combine it with a sans serif… and only use the display font for a few of the letters (initial caps?).

  3. Ian,
    There were good ideas employed here, but for me I feel that a single stroke to suggest a book is not enough. I think a stroke or two to suggest pages beneath the shape or a stroke for a binding/cover would very much help. The stroke in itself is well used, but I need a little more information. I do have a suggestion if you didn't want to use your full name as well. The Initials I.B. work with the design you have here already. The I shares the general shape of the light bulb and the B turned on it's side could fit within the book's shape. Overall, I like the playfulness and creativity of this design as well as the type chosen. I like the idea that Coni's stated for using the font for the initial caps, something akin to the Illuminated Manuscript in its use.


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