Sunday, February 21, 2016

Hello everyone,
Here is my revised magazine about Polly the Parrot. A magazine for parrot owners and enthusiasts. This magazine is all about care, housing, attention and type of food is best for an parrot owners parrot. Basically I removed my blue background and left the background white. Changed the text color and rotated text boxes to horizontal position. I added a variety of different parrots for each page. I hope this revision makes the cut.


  1. Krysta,

    With how this project originally was, I did not really have a problem in it's general design. Once Coni had pointed out that it was modeled to be a Christmas issue because it was December and it needed images to pull it away from that I'd realized there might be an issue. However, I'd found that there was a way out without changing it. If the articles were related to the holidays, such as gift ideas for the parrot owners and such. I do think the overall design of your redo is stronger and I think you could combine them, honestly. The 10 facts page just needed it's pictures to be related to the body copy more, utilizing things like proximity to separate it from the other pictures and join it to it's description. I don't see a reason for it to not carry a bit of the season with it, especially if your magazine was quarterly or seasonal.

  2. Krysta – much better!

    1. Cover – there is a fair amount of “left over” white space above the bar code. And, the “10 Facts…” title seems to come too close to the parrot’s beak. So… why not slide down the article names, to sit more comfortably a bit lower on the page?

    The cover parrot seems a bit dull. Can you adjust its dark and light points in Curves… so the white of its head is not so dark gray and the colors are more brilliant?

    2. Contents – done, well done.

    3. Feature – for some reason I desperately want the parrot to be holding something in its mouth. Would you consider working on a composite that would have him holding a sign that says “I don’t bite”… or something cute like that? I think it would help balance the 2 pages of the spread… since you’ve stacked the 4 boxes of type all on the left page.


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