Sunday, February 21, 2016

Project 2 - Samael Portrait

This was a project for Digital Illustration, in which we were to do a portrait. Now, I will be honest here;  I have absolutely no idea what to do with this. Its an illustration, but I can't think of any way to make it more of a design piece, and I would love some ideas on what I can do with it. I like the actual illustration of him the way it is, though I am open to changing the background, the type, etc.


  1. Hi Ian, If I understand correctly, no changes have been made since before class critique? I love this as I have mentioned to you, however, I still think more detail in the hands and fingers is needed. I think you are very creative in all of your projects; good work.

  2. You could turn this into an ad maybe? Maybe a cigarette ad? I do agree with Krysta there should be more detail in the hands other than that very cool illustration.

  3. Ian – what about a poem… or song lyrics? I’m not sure a cigarette ad makes sense because there is a lot of small type from the Surgeon General that would have to added to the composition. I bet you can come up with song lyrics that would fit this portrait. Feel free to eliminate his name… unless he is famous I say replace it with what you will find to add. I agree with Krysta – if you can add a bit more detail to the hand holding the cigarette it might be good since that hand is quite important to the composition.

  4. Ian-I understand your issue with this, what needs to be done with this-does anything need to be done at all?

    Something that catches my eye is the fact that we see the person crouching, but there is nothing being crouched -on-. Most of our illustrations aren't showing contact with a background or floor so we don't need a shadow to place them in the picture. This one does and I think it would help- even if it's just a shadow or something not necessarily an environment. I like the sort of hook your negative space has and how the illustration bleeds off, I am skeptical of filling it. If there is interest in doing something with the right side, I like the type you chose to inform us of the name- maybe this could be the fix. If we treat it like a poster, we could make the name larger and run it down the right side. I would change the background to something a bit more darker and gritty and it would match that type most greatly.


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