Sunday, February 21, 2016

Holocaust "The White Rose" Illustration

Hello Class, Here is my second project which is my Holocaust "The White Rose" Illustration. For this illustration we had research a topic we picked and had to create an illustration for to depict what happened. I picked the white rose which was a german resistance back then who were against the Nazis and Hitler and tried to get the germans to open their eyes on what was going on and what Hitler was doing and where they were really going. For the review I was told to change the T in the first word on the gate to make it look like a T because before it looked like an I. Then I changed the white background for the information and turned up the opacity so the top part of the box wasn't getting lost because the background was so light behind the box. 


  1. Hi, I love the rose very pretty. The faces look very realistic I think the coats need a little more detail. Nice job

  2. Again... done unless you want to add a bit more detail as Krysta suggests.

  3. I think the lettering on the fence still needs to stand apart for readability such as the capital I's losing their caps and bases in the black of the iron fence. It's coming along though. Did you decide against illustrating a leaflet for the background of the information? I think it would help tie in the typography choice when reading it. The body copy is more readable though, as you stated.

  4. I think part of the readability issue is perhaps it is because it is written in a foreign language therefore, to one who only reads in English it is a bit difficult. However, when I look at this illustration I know exactly what I am seeing without being told; I see the Holocaust. I like it this illustration Tatjana the Holocaust is a part of history I find very interesting.


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