Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Project 1 Magazine

Just a reminder that this project was assignment for Publication Design class. Assignment was to create a magazine cover, contents page, and feature spread. I made several recommended changes, and I would like to know if there are any more recommended changes that could be made?


  1. I really like the changes you have made especially in your spread. The way you spread the images so that there is less negative spaces now and has a really lovely arrangement to it. Also your cover is very beautiful and all the text is readable now, this project came out very good.

  2. I agree with Tatjana job well done.

  3. Carl – this continues to improve. I think a few things still need to happen on the Feature spread and then this will be done.

    1. The title of the article really needs to sit together. Why not pull the words down to the bottom of the photo, where they can be together, and both can be readable. Please just place them along a horizontal baseline – no more of this angled stuff (it really looks like a high school dance poster when things are angled for no good reason). Then… at the top, you could place a “teaser” sentence in the sky area. What about “ It all started on a cold day late in December…” (notice the ellipse at the end… to encourage the reader to continue). I suggest this because it is important to show people that you can place type “into” a photo successfully.
    2. Please make sure that you have indented your second paragraph of body copy (the same pull quote I mention above) because we need to be able to delineate the different paragraphs in a column of type.
    3. Your bottom photo crowds and almost crashes into the text. Please pull it down, away from your by-line, and add a text wrap to push the text at the bottom down to horizontally align with the column at the left. Both columns of text should share the same baseline (which is a fancy way of saying that the lines of text should align across columns).
    4. Your by line… should read “by Carl Selmer III”… forget the word “Article” – it isn’t proper.
    5. Snow flakes… once again they are only hiding in the corners. What’s the deal with your corners… do you like fancy corners for some reason? Find a bolder, more reasonable use of this snowflake or drop it. Actually – don’t use it at all if you haven’t replaced the low resolution version with high resolution.

  4. Carl,
    In your cover I like the choice to repeat the X, but I feel like it needs to be utilized in a way which doesn't overlap your subtitle. I think you could tuck the Spine Chiller around it or place the X at the end of Chiller so it sits in the angle. For the spread, I see that you've changed the supplementary images-these changes have turned out quite nicely. The choice not to repeat the image with the similar color scheme has created emphasis for the original image. The typography also sits much nicer and more interestingly in this. The picture of the snow on the branches has gotten squished I think, which you'll want to fix. The Spine Chiller on this page does need some placement fixes, maybe you could bring back the snowflakes and arrange it in an interesting manner. Either way, this is definitely coming further along, good work!


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